A Very Merry Health Care Christmas

So the hangover is beginning to lift, and America is basking in its new health care system. One of the talk radio hosts played a recording of a man describing his joy about the passage of Obamacare. He said it was like Christmas. He apparently lost his coverage 4 years ago, and was afraid that he or his family might get sick and incur thousands of dollars of medical expenses. Now he is going to have health care, and he can sleep at night. Well….not exactly. The provisions for his children will go into effect the next few months. Of course, the kids already qualified for an SChip program. He just didn’t sign up for it. As for himself, he will have to wait for about four years. But not really! His wife has a health insurance plan through her work. He just doesn’t want to pay the additional premium to put himself onto the plan. Another sob story gone a-muck! But then again, free is always better. But he is right in one sense. This is like Christmas. There are some really nice presents und...