America's New Elite; Touble Ahead

A trend that has been happening in the United States for quite some time has accelerated in the Obama administration. That trend is the establishment of a new elite. Conventional wisdom believes that it is the fat cat wizards of Wall Street that have made all the money these past 8 years. That is true to an extent. But the more interesting story is what has been happening in the middle class. Just who are the new elite? Union members and government employees! No matter how you slice and dice it, in the mass making of manufactured goods the American worker cannot compete with the Chinese guy making a $1.00/hour working 12 hours per day with no benefits. The same goes for India. This has decimated our manufacturing base and destroyed union jobs. It is easy to point the finger at government policies for the mass exodus of jobs from the United States, but mostly the problem is folks who prefer to buy $8.00 Chinese made blue jeans instead of $30.00 American made blue jeans. Those folks walk...