Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!

The reason I married my wife was because she was the only girl I ever dated that could eat her half of the pizza. She would fight me over the last piece. And given that I considered pizza to be one of the major food groups, it didn’t take me long to conclude she was the girl for me. How often do you eat pizza? I have it for dinner at least once each week, and probably at least once each week for lunch, not to mention a slice here and there for snack. I eat less now than I did 10 years ago, but then again my stomach is 10 years older so I have to watch now. It likes pizza a lot less than I do. Nonetheless, on a Friday night when we are just too pooped to pop, pizza is the answer, stomach be damned. I eat my pizza with pepperoni. My wife doesn’t like pepperoni, so from time to time I have to surrender to toppings of sausage and black olives. My wife likes Brier Hill pizza…tomatoes, peppers, olive oil and parsley with lots of black pepper….that is way too healthy to be considered pizza. ...