Will The Real Youngstown Please Stand Up!!!

Last week, the Mahoning Valley was shocked to learn that out of the top 100 metropolitan areas in the United States, it has the highest rate of poverty in the country. The Brookings Institute, who compiles data such as this, stated that Youngstown has the nation’s “highest concentration” of poverty. Concentrated Poverty is defined as a population in which 40% live with an income at or below the poverty level, approximately $22,000.00/family of four. 49.7% of the City of Youngstown’s population lives below the poverty level. By comparison, Cleveland has 42% and Columbus is around 27%. Well…what do you with this? The study says this is still a residual result from the loss of the steel mills 35 years ago. I suppose that's part of it. But statistics don’t always tell the story. In addition to being listed as the city with the most poverty, over the past 1 ½ years Youngstown has been listed as the best city in the country in which to start a business, and hold onto your hats...