Of Obama, Democrats, and Republicans: A Neocon's Misguided Observations

The Westminster Kennel Club show is over, and Uno, the Beagle, was the winner. Clearly THE popular choice, he is now enjoying a blast of media hype, eating steak off a table at Sardi’s, and relegating Snoopy, the former most famous American beagle, into second place. Style is everything, and Uno has style. While style and breeding are de rigueur in dog shows, it also seems to be de rigueur in this year’s Democratic primary. What do we do with Obama? He is now the front runner in the Democratic presidential primary, blowing past a shrill and teary-eyed Hillary, who would have done well to heed the advice of the 1950’s hit “Cross Over the Bridge”, by leaving her “fickle past” behind her…and dumping that two timing, philandering husband of hers. We all love Bill, but methinks he done her in. Which leaves us with Barack. Let me start by saying I like this guy. He is the most refreshing politician to come down the pike since Ronald Reagan. When he says he wants “change”, I believe him. He g...