My New Appendage

I am so excited. I heard on the radio the other day that I have grown a new appendage. It is called a “carbon footprint.” Can anyone tell me where it’s located? I was so happy when, for just a minute, I thought it might be a replacement for my eczema ridden right foot with the festering ingrown toenail. Udder Cream and Vaseline Intensive Care have become my new best friends. But I didn’t see anything there. So I inspected myself when I got out of the shower today, looking for anything unusual or out of place. Everything seemed to be there, but nothing new. I heard that my carbon footprint was supposed to be green. I noticed a few green things, but nothing like that. Maybe I should see a doctor. Al Gore is supposed to have a huge carbon footprint. According to conservative talk radio, his is among the biggest in the nation. Good for him, and lo to anyone who goes up against him “mano a mano.” Who says size doesn’t matter? Of course it does. I am starting to lose sleep over this. Nancy P...