Creepy Technology and Me

I was reading in Business Week that Intel (ta da duh duh) is developing a new chip to be used in billboards that recognize the age, sex, and other characteristics of passers-by. It will then display a demographically correct ad for that person. Wow!! The article said that such a billboard was part of a movie called Minority Report which I apparently missed at the movie theater, and I am glad I did. That is just too creepy! In fact, life is getting too creepy. I now pay my bills through PNC Bank’s online payment service. It’s the damndest thing. It electronically pays whatever bills I tell it to. If it can’t do it electronically, the bank will actually print a check and mail it. The bank doesn’t charge for the service, not even postage if they have to mail a check. Do you know how many bills I send out each month? Postage alone must save a couple hundred bucks over a year, not to mention the cost of very expensive Quicken checks. Such a deal. I can even have my bills sent to the bank w...