Whatever Happened to Class?

Can anyone tell me what ever happened to class? While channel surfing the other day, I came across a PBS special featuring highlights from The Andy William Christmas Shows. Here was (is) a classy guy. He was clean cut. The shows reeked with family goodwill. The songs were straightforward, and so were the arrangements. He stood up there and just sang with his wonderful voice. Highlights of the shows included Andy singing with his brothers in simple but beautiful harmony. The sets and production values were as classy as the acts they were supporting. Of course, the show was part of PBS pledge week, and for $100.00 you could get a CD of the program along with another CD of the best of Andy Williams; songs like Moon River and The Days of Wine and Roses. This was class all the way. When I look back on the generation of entertainers that ended around 1980, there was one classy act after another. The Rat Pack, with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford ...