Life's Good; Life's Ugly

Seraphim, the community chorus in which I sing, performed last night for a small but appreciative crowd made up of members of the National Guild of Organists. Although we sang well at the performance, the rehearsal beforehand was magnificent. The venue was a big, modern Catholic Church with acoustics that made the music soar. It was the best we have ever sounded. Outside, the edge of the Nor’easter that has plagued the east coast, was blowing wind, rain, and snow. It was probably the most extended period of bad weather this area has had in a long time. The weather people said the winds were gusting at about 48 mph. Not where I was. It was much, much worse. At times I thought my car was going to flip over. It was difficult to open the car door to get out, and when I did, I thought it was going to blow off the hinges. When the show was over, we had to go out into the blowing rain. Driving home I thought how wonderful it is that in the of midst this really bad weather, I had been given th...