America Should Listen to the Roaring Russian Bear
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Just in time to remind any of you that think the world's problems can be solved by holding hands and singing Kumbaya, Russia invades Georgia. This was a well planned action, timed to coincide with the world’s Olympic distraction, and America’s political season. Make no mistake, folks, Putin and crew are bad dudes. When the former President and now Prime Minister of Russia states the greatest catastrophe of the 20th Century was the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he wants to see the Soviet Empire reconstituted, you better listen.
While the rest of Europe is politically lurching to the right, finally waking up to the fact that its non-assimilated Moslem population can destroy its culture, and realizing that it gets anywhere from 30 – 70% of its energy from Russia, the United States is in full flower-power mode, flirting with a potential leftist administration who believes the world’s ills can be cured with love and understanding, not learning from the mistakes of Jimmy Carter and the success of Ronald Reagan.
The number one rule of political science is if there is a power vacuum, something bad will rush in to fill it. In this case, Putin is looking at a lame duck President who has been neutered politically by our left leaning press. He has observed our debt with China, and the shortage of energy resources brought on by our Al Gore love fest with environmental whackos and global warming paranoia. Putin knows that the most effective weapon, outside of military strength, is energy.
Make no mistake about it. This is the world's first oil war. While the United States is having its Al Gore love fest with global warming, Russia is consolidating its dominance over the world's oil supplies. There are several oil and gas pipelines going from the Caspian Sea in the east, through Georgia to the west. If Russia overtly gains control of these oil and natural gas lines, or installs a puppet government in Georgia, Russia will control 100% of all oil and natural gas pipelines going into Europe. Let me repeat that. Russia will control 100% of all oil and natural gas pipelines going into Europe. The only oil and natural gas pipelines reaching Europe from the mid-east that are not controlled by the Russians run through Georgia.
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While the rest of Europe is politically lurching to the right, finally waking up to the fact that its non-assimilated Moslem population can destroy its culture, and realizing that it gets anywhere from 30 – 70% of its energy from Russia, the United States is in full flower-power mode, flirting with a potential leftist administration who believes the world’s ills can be cured with love and understanding, not learning from the mistakes of Jimmy Carter and the success of Ronald Reagan.
The number one rule of political science is if there is a power vacuum, something bad will rush in to fill it. In this case, Putin is looking at a lame duck President who has been neutered politically by our left leaning press. He has observed our debt with China, and the shortage of energy resources brought on by our Al Gore love fest with environmental whackos and global warming paranoia. Putin knows that the most effective weapon, outside of military strength, is energy.
Make no mistake about it. This is the world's first oil war. While the United States is having its Al Gore love fest with global warming, Russia is consolidating its dominance over the world's oil supplies. There are several oil and gas pipelines going from the Caspian Sea in the east, through Georgia to the west. If Russia overtly gains control of these oil and natural gas lines, or installs a puppet government in Georgia, Russia will control 100% of all oil and natural gas pipelines going into Europe. Let me repeat that. Russia will control 100% of all oil and natural gas pipelines going into Europe. The only oil and natural gas pipelines reaching Europe from the mid-east that are not controlled by the Russians run through Georgia.
On its own, Russia is flush with natural resources, and it wants more. Putin has already threatened to cut off Germany from 45% of its natural gas supply, as well as actually shutting down most of Ukraine’s natural gas supply last winter. BP has had to shut down one of its pipelines running through Georgia. BP, one of the early investors in the Russian oil industry, is now being separated from its Russian holdings by Russian threats and coercion. BP executives involved with Russian oil are attempting to run BP's Russian business from a secret location. There is no doubt that BP's Russian interests will be nationalized in due time. Couple the above with Russian support for Iran, and folks, we have a problem.
At the end of the day, terrorism, our massive foreign debt, our shaky economy and a rapidly deteriorating foreign policy is due to one thing, OIL! OIL! OIL! Unless and until the United States shows its resolve to solve our energy needs, and in the process give relief to Europe and Japan, we are in trouble as a nation. We cannot continue to go down this path. Unless the United States addresses its own energy issues, Europe will be slowly strangled by the Russian pipelines that are Europe’s lifeblood, causing capitulation to the Russian bear. It will not only destroy historic friendships, but perhaps cause the collapse of NATO.
And where is Nancy Pelosi? Shutting down Congress for vacation to give cover to the left wing nuts on drilling issues, and out hawking her book. And where is Senator Obama? On vacation in Hawaii, “emerging” from his hotel to tell the world the Georgia issue should be brought to the United Nations Security Council. Senator…Russia has a permanent veto in the Security Council. Save your breath for your soup!!
At the end of the day, terrorism, our massive foreign debt, our shaky economy and a rapidly deteriorating foreign policy is due to one thing, OIL! OIL! OIL! Unless and until the United States shows its resolve to solve our energy needs, and in the process give relief to Europe and Japan, we are in trouble as a nation. We cannot continue to go down this path. Unless the United States addresses its own energy issues, Europe will be slowly strangled by the Russian pipelines that are Europe’s lifeblood, causing capitulation to the Russian bear. It will not only destroy historic friendships, but perhaps cause the collapse of NATO.
And where is Nancy Pelosi? Shutting down Congress for vacation to give cover to the left wing nuts on drilling issues, and out hawking her book. And where is Senator Obama? On vacation in Hawaii, “emerging” from his hotel to tell the world the Georgia issue should be brought to the United Nations Security Council. Senator…Russia has a permanent veto in the Security Council. Save your breath for your soup!!
Here is the truth of the matter; I don't know whether we can drill our way out of this problem, but I know for sure we cannot legislate our way to non-existent new energy technologies. Only the free market can do that. Congress can do this nation a big favor by getting out of the way and allowing free enterprise to solve our energy needs, and that includes off shore drilling. Drill Here. Drill Now.
If ever there was a wake-up call to the United States to get its energy act together, this is it. As Jimmy Carter learned, and Obama will learn very quickly if elected, the world is a dangerous, dangerous place.
If ever there was a wake-up call to the United States to get its energy act together, this is it. As Jimmy Carter learned, and Obama will learn very quickly if elected, the world is a dangerous, dangerous place.