
Showing posts from June, 2007

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I have written several times about creeping freedom loss in our society. Baby-step by baby-step, we have acquiesced to the do-gooders of the world who use the guise of “reform” to stifle our freedom and hinder our ability to educate our children. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States struck a blow for freedom, and proved that our checks and balance system works...eventually. In a 5-4 decision, the Supremes reigned in the McCain Feingold Campaign Reform Act. Already upheld as constitutional in a previous decision, the Bush/Roberts court finally called it for what it is, censorship. A long time ago, Russ Feingold, one of the most liberal members of the Senate, decided he didn’t want Right to Life advocates running campaign ads against him in his re-election bid. Claiming campaign reform prohibiting “big” money from "contaminating" elections and "destroying" democracy, he and John McCain sponsored the “incumbent protection act”, which outlawed individual and/or...

The Long Way Home

The Iron Bridge is a restaurant located outside of Mercer, Pa. It is one of three restaurants standing in a row owned by the Springfield Restaurant Group on PA Route 19, and was the original restaurant in what is a strong regional and now rapidly growing national chain. But the Iron Bridge still stands on its own, and quite frankly is heads above its cloned Springfield Grill (good, but not great) sister establishments in quality and atmosphere. It is the best restaurant my wife and I have ever eaten in, anywhere, anyplace, and we have been to a lot of places. It is in the middle of nowhere. There are two ways to get there. One can hop on the freeway and it is about 40 miles from my driveway down I-80. The other way is to drive through Youngstown and Campbell to Ohio Rt. 422, then to PA 208, and take the winding road through West Middlesex, New Wilmington, and Volant to PA Route 19. That is the long way. Last night, we took the freeway there as I was really hungry, but we took the long ...

Eight Government Policies Limiting Your Freedom

Sometimes the loss of liberty comes in one swoop. But more often than not, it is stolen away from you in baby steps. That is what is happening in the United States. Below listed are 8 threats to your freedom. These are already creeping up on you as they become accepted in our society. Is this what you really want? Voters Beware!!!! 1) McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act : This is arguably the most un-American power play that incumbent politicians have ever foisted on the American public. It also shows that slapping the label "reform" on something doesn't mean that the reform is good. This hodge-podge of campaign spending regulations was sponsored by Russ Feingold, one of the most liberal Senators in Congress, and John McCain, who likes to think of himself as a conservative. Purportedly passed to limit large soft money contributions to political campaigns, it is more aptly labeled The Incumbent Protection Act . The net effect is to prevent you and me from pooling o...

A New Definition of Freedom

In April, PBS aired a series entitled America at the Crossroads . The subject was America’s relationship with the Islam. It was strongly criticized in conservative circles for its refusal to show a contracted segment about fundamental Islam. On the other hand, and to its great credit, PBS aired an outstanding and provocative segment on fundamentalist Islam entitled Faith Without Fear . The subject matter followed a young Muslim woman named Irshad Manji, whom the New York Times described as Osama Bin Laden’s worst nightmare. Born in Uganda, her family immigrated to Canada to escape the terror of Idi Amin. Ms. Manji is a person of letters who is an activist for feminism, gay rights, and deep reform to the Muslim religion. Among her many achievements, she is the author of the book The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call For Reform In Her Faith . PBS followed her as she traveled around the world challenging Islam to modernize. It showed heated debates with the Imams and Mullahs who c...