Looking for Nashotah House

Be sure to visit: Mark Knows It All: The Web Site: www.markknowsitall.com Once upon a time I had a very close friend who was an Episcopal priest. He and I were alike in many ways, and in many ways we were different. Over the years, we shared many experiences in each other’s lives. Then things became strained, and then the relationship stopped altogether as we developed a different view of the world and said some things to each other we shouldn’t have. Sometimes things can't be taken back. But I did learn one important lesson from him. He attended seminary at a place called Nashotah House in Nashotah, Wisconsin. He often spoke fondly of it, and how happy he would be to move back there permanently. I always thought that was a bit strange because it was frickin’ Wisconsin. Lots of snow and lots of cold. Why would anyone want to live there? But over the years I heard him not only talk about the peace of the place, but live the peace in his life. Some of my fondest memories of my fr...