Two Issues That Could Sink Obama's Ship: Part 1 - Obama's Money

PLEASE VISIT MARK KNOWS IT ALL, THE WEB SITE One of the problems I am having with this year’s presidential campaign is the media’s refusal to properly do its job and vet Barack Obama. They aren’t doing the American public any favors by treating him as Christ’s Second Coming; and ironically, they are not doing Senator Obama any favors either. He now runs the risk of being blindsided as the traditional media has left the job to bloggers and talk radio hosts and people like me who often don’t get the facts right…well, I do. I can guarantee you that the Republican Party, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton have done their homework, and issues will arise causing Obama’s usual “how dare you ask me those things” smarmy attitude to finally fail him. There are two areas that can be fatal to his campaign. Here is the first. Over the course of his campaign, Senator Obama has raised in excess of a quarter billion dollars (that’s with a “B”). He has set all sorts of records, and the media has gloated...