2 x 2 = 4

When my son was deciding where to go to college for undergraduate school, we looked at a number of universities which were offering him scholarship money. Some of these schools were pricey, with tuition pushing the $30,000.00/year range. Of course, the scholarship money would drop the price down to fifteen grand, but geez. He decided to attend Youngstown State because the tuition was substantially cheaper, and the scholarship money went much farther, not to mention the quality of education at YSU is second to none. But at the end of the day, why would anyone pay $30,000.00 for freshman English, Math, and History? We did not regret our choice. President Obama alluded to making education one of his priorities. Who can argue with that? Public education in this country is pitiful. But in typical liberal fashion, his intent is to throw gobs of money at the problem. That has never been the solution, and never will be the solution. The Feds have been throwing money at education for years, and...