Me and American Restoration

It has been a long campaign. Even for a politically active person like me it has been a campaign way too long. Then again, it has been a long four years. Each election cycle I marvel at the intelligence of the American public, and sometime its ignorance. This year my faith has been restored. It has been a different kind of campaign. Conservative and center right moderates acted on their own motion. For three and half years there was no center to rally around…no standard bearer of leader. Yet Americans by the millions acted on their own sense of what it means to be an American forming Tea Parties and Pacs and ad hoc groups operating independently of each other yet all working towards a common goal: American Restoration. While Obama and the Dems tried to fracture America, pitting poor against rich, black against white, young against old, and Hispanic against “white” Hispanic, men against women, a funny thing happened on the way to those faux pillars. American conservatives came to...