She's Fat

According to the New York Post, Staten Island’s Gwendolyn Williams (pictured above), age 9, got a “Fitness-gram” from New York City School PS 29 telling her she is fat as part of a city school system mandated BMI test. The test results were given to the students in a barely sealed envelope to be brought home to their parents. When confronted by the upset girl’s mother as to how this skinny girl could possibly be fat, the school principle responded they didn’t think the children would open the envelope. Schools are now providing three meals/day to many students during the school year and oftentimes during the summer months. The government is now mandating calorie and portion sizes, as well as Draconian measures such as only skim milk. The result is school lunch sales are down 12%. Food waste measured by analyzing garbage contents is skyrocketing. To combat this, some systems are now analyzing the home packed lunches brought to school by ...