Community Service and the Road to Hell

Do I sound bitter? ya think? I have always been a community minded individual. I love the community in which I live. Over the years our community has oftentimes faced seemingly insurmountable problems so I tried to help in any small way I was able. I tend to get overly involved and personally buy into whatever it is I am trying to do because I don’t do things half. It takes 100% to get the job done. Sounds good! Well maybe not so much. As the saying goes: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have learned some hard lessons. Community Service is not for the faint of heart, or for those looking for the best in mankind, or for those actually expecting to accomplish something or make a difference. It is tough. It is hard. And common sense is at a premium. One of my first do-gooder ventures involved a church council whose Sunday night meetings would go on ad-infinitum. One Sunday...