Time for Conservatives to Re-Evaluate Health Care

I believe it is time for conservatives to support a modified single payer health system. It is coming whether we like it or not. We can do it better than they do. What happened in Washington last week was political theater at its worst. It sounds all so complicated. But the fact of the matter is that it is not complicated at all. There two, and only two, big issues that must be resolved to solve the health care problem: 1) Any health care insurance system must maintain a certain level of healthy participants in order to sustain payments to those who are sick. Obamacare tried to resolve the problem by mandating participation of all citizens. If you don’t participate, you get taxed (fined). The problem is it didn’t work. People opted to pay the fine because the coverage that was offered was too expensive, and if you bought it the deductible was so high you coul...