Hillary's Dilemma is the Nation's Dilemma: Part 1

Lots of people are watching the upcoming elections closely for lots of different reasons. It has been fun watching the political pundits on television try to impose their will on the American people. Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, and Wolfe Blitzer have been almost orgasmic in their joy that the GOP might lose control of the House or the Senate or both. The New York Times has been printing stories involving leaked classified documents, which should be treason, and stories based in questionable facts, which is a shame for the only newspaper in the United States which is considered a primary source for those who make their livelihood from researching history. One of the worst offenders is CNN, with Jack Cafferty’s series, Broken America. It is continually flashed across the screen like a political ad, with little or no connection to whether Cafferty is on the screen or not. Talk about your subliminal messages. Many of these reports are abysmal. He should take some pills.
The fact of the matter is that take Iraq out of the mix, this would be a banner year for Republicans. The stock market, and those 401k’s that benefit therefrom, are at an all time high. Unemployment is at an historical low of 4.6%. Tax receipts are at an all time high, and the goal of cutting the deficit in ½ is years ahead of schedule. Income is on the rise again. Energy prices are falling. In fact, my natural gas budget amount for the next year is “0”. The previous budget was so high that I am paid ahead for the next year or two. (Note: Dominion Gas is not willing to send the money back to me!!!)
When the election is over, and if the polls are correct, which I am not willing to concede, the press will portray this as some sort of seed change in the American electorate towards liberalism, which it is not. Ohio is a perfect example. Conservatives in Ohio are not ready to embrace liberalism. They are angry at DeWine, and next time around Voinivich, for some questionable votes on numerous issues. DeWine in particular, is viewed with disdain by many conservatives, who simply won’t vote for him. Sherrod Brown winning DeWine’s seat doesn’t make Ohio a blue state. The ideological split is still at 50-50.
That is the danger the Democrats face in this election nationwide, and it will have major ramifications in the 2008 Presidential election. The 1994 Republican revolution WAS a seed change in American political opinion. The electorate rejected liberalism and European style socialism. Bill Clinton knew that, and being pragmatic if nothing else, changed his politics to more accurately reflect the views of the nation. He was able to run to the middle. Reagan conservatism will influence American politics for years to come much like Roosevelt’s New Deal.
If the Dems take control of the House and/or the Senate, they will not be able to contain themselves, and you are going to see a left wing political agenda put forth like this country has never seen before. Liberals view this as their raison d'etre. Every left position will be claiming its place at the table, from teenage abortion on demand to God out of the schools to gay marriage to tax increases to the food and smoking police to gun control to quotas to hate speech laws to a new round of political correctness….and it will not go down well with the American electorate.
Consider Hillary Clinton, who is the front runner to be the Democratic presidential nominee. Over the next two years she will be between a rock and a hard place. If she supports what will be a breathtaking left wing legislative agenda, she will be unable to win the presidential general election. If she doesn’t support it, she will be unable to win the nomination. Barack Obama is now the media's darling to run for President. What does she do against the likes of him in a primary?
That is Hillary’s dilemma, and it may cause her not to run for President in 2008. It is also symptomatic of a dilemma for our nation. The extremes of both parties control who gets nominated for President. How did this happen? And what does the political center do to be heard? To be continued……