Happy New Year...and Thank You

Dear Friends,
The end of 2006 marks the 1 ½ year anniversary of Mark Knows It All. I want to thank all of you who take time from your busy day to read my opinions and rants. This blog has provided me with not only a creative outlet, but much pleasure. I especially appreciate your posted, emailed, and personal comments, both agreeing and disagreeing with whatever the topic at hand might be. Whether you agree with me or not, I try to provide you with well written commentary.
Over the next several months you will see major changes in the format of Mark Knows It All. You have probably already noticed the addition of some basic graphics and pictures, and the addition of a security process to prevent unwanted spam comments. If you scroll down to the end of the archive list, you will see the addition of more links.
This week, the Youngstown Vindicator has been added as a link for those of you from this area. The Washington Times is now linked. I have also added Imprimis, which is published by Hillsdale College. It is probably the most cerebral and scholarly of conservative publications. Its rather lengthy, but thoughtful, commentaries change monthly. Happy News is the happy link. This web site is designed to counter the negative reporting which permeates the American media. It publishes only good and happy news, which can be a really great way to start the morning. More links are coming.
Finally, arrangements are currently being made for this blog to morph into a full blown web page sometime over the next 120 days. This will allow me to include other articles and information that you may find interesting without being limited to a single column, including articles on legal topics of general interest such as how the new Medicaid laws affect you, restaurant and movie reviews, sports, and a plethora of many other topics. It also allows for more pictures and graphics, and space for other writers to provide news and commentary as well.
Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and good reading.
Mark G. Mangie
The end of 2006 marks the 1 ½ year anniversary of Mark Knows It All. I want to thank all of you who take time from your busy day to read my opinions and rants. This blog has provided me with not only a creative outlet, but much pleasure. I especially appreciate your posted, emailed, and personal comments, both agreeing and disagreeing with whatever the topic at hand might be. Whether you agree with me or not, I try to provide you with well written commentary.
Over the next several months you will see major changes in the format of Mark Knows It All. You have probably already noticed the addition of some basic graphics and pictures, and the addition of a security process to prevent unwanted spam comments. If you scroll down to the end of the archive list, you will see the addition of more links.
This week, the Youngstown Vindicator has been added as a link for those of you from this area. The Washington Times is now linked. I have also added Imprimis, which is published by Hillsdale College. It is probably the most cerebral and scholarly of conservative publications. Its rather lengthy, but thoughtful, commentaries change monthly. Happy News is the happy link. This web site is designed to counter the negative reporting which permeates the American media. It publishes only good and happy news, which can be a really great way to start the morning. More links are coming.
Finally, arrangements are currently being made for this blog to morph into a full blown web page sometime over the next 120 days. This will allow me to include other articles and information that you may find interesting without being limited to a single column, including articles on legal topics of general interest such as how the new Medicaid laws affect you, restaurant and movie reviews, sports, and a plethora of many other topics. It also allows for more pictures and graphics, and space for other writers to provide news and commentary as well.
Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and good reading.
Mark G. Mangie
Please let me take this opportunity to thank YOU for 1 1/2 years of entertaining, thoughtful, and very informative blogs. I look forward to 2007, and many more good blogs!