And the Oscar goes to.....

Well, it’s that time of year again. The Academy Award nominations are out, and I don’t know half the people that have been nominated, let alone know much about the movies nominated for best picture. Click on this link, Academy Awards , and it will take you to the full nomination list. There was a time when I would make it a point to see all of the nominated films. This year, I have only seen one: The Queen , and it was terrific. My sister in law saw another, Little Miss Sunshine , and she reports it was terrific also. Let’s see what this year’s best movie nominees have to offer. The Queen: After playing Elizabeth I on HBO, Helen Mirren gets a shot at playing Elizabeth II on the big screen, and does a boffo job. This movie examines the behavior of the Royal Family immediately after the death of Princess Diana. I was never a Diana fan, so I can understand their less than emotional reaction to the death of the Prince of Wales’ ex-wife who attempted to bring down the British Monarchy. Sto...