Immigration Statistics

The following statistics, or various versions of them, have been bandied about relating to illegal immigration in Los Angeles County.
1) 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County are working for cash, paying no taxes.
2) 75% of the people on Los Angeles County’s most wanted list are illegal aliens.
3) 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans paid for by Medi-Cal and the taxpayers.
4) 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are illegal aliens.
5) 300,000 illegals in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
6) The FBI reports that ½ of gang members in LA County are illegals from south of the border.
7) 60% of the occupants of HUD properties in Los Angeles are occupied by illegals.
8) There are 5.1 million people whose primary language is English in Los Angeles. There are 3.9 million people whose primary language is Spanish.
9) There are 21 Spanish only radio stations in Los Angeles.
10) 90% of the current population growth in California, New York and Florida is from immigration. In the United States as a whole, 70% of the population growth is from immigration.
11) 29% of Federal inmates are illegal immigrants.
12) Last year, Los Angeles spent $276 million in welfare costs for the benefit of 100,000 children of illegal aliens.
I first heard these statistics on a local talk radio show, not the most reliable source. So I decided to research them, and found whole web sites dedicated to discussing their validity. Some of the websites categorized these statistics as urban legend, and without support, claiming they were phony. The more thoughtful websites attempted to look for verification of the statistics. What is interesting, those websites, while not able to quote scripture and verse, were able to provide sources from testimony in front of Congress and various other governmental agencies, as well as governmental statistical sources, which served as the basis for the quoted figures.
It is clear to me that while the above figures are not 100% accurate, they are close enough to the truth that all Americans should be concerned. As much as I hate to admit, maybe Michael Savage is right. This is an invasion paid for by the American taxpayer, and our government is raising the white flag of surrender. Our country cannot continue to sustain unchecked and unbridled illegal immigration.
1) 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County are working for cash, paying no taxes.
2) 75% of the people on Los Angeles County’s most wanted list are illegal aliens.
3) 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans paid for by Medi-Cal and the taxpayers.
4) 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are illegal aliens.
5) 300,000 illegals in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
6) The FBI reports that ½ of gang members in LA County are illegals from south of the border.
7) 60% of the occupants of HUD properties in Los Angeles are occupied by illegals.
8) There are 5.1 million people whose primary language is English in Los Angeles. There are 3.9 million people whose primary language is Spanish.
9) There are 21 Spanish only radio stations in Los Angeles.
10) 90% of the current population growth in California, New York and Florida is from immigration. In the United States as a whole, 70% of the population growth is from immigration.
11) 29% of Federal inmates are illegal immigrants.
12) Last year, Los Angeles spent $276 million in welfare costs for the benefit of 100,000 children of illegal aliens.
I first heard these statistics on a local talk radio show, not the most reliable source. So I decided to research them, and found whole web sites dedicated to discussing their validity. Some of the websites categorized these statistics as urban legend, and without support, claiming they were phony. The more thoughtful websites attempted to look for verification of the statistics. What is interesting, those websites, while not able to quote scripture and verse, were able to provide sources from testimony in front of Congress and various other governmental agencies, as well as governmental statistical sources, which served as the basis for the quoted figures.
It is clear to me that while the above figures are not 100% accurate, they are close enough to the truth that all Americans should be concerned. As much as I hate to admit, maybe Michael Savage is right. This is an invasion paid for by the American taxpayer, and our government is raising the white flag of surrender. Our country cannot continue to sustain unchecked and unbridled illegal immigration.
The occupants are occupied by illegals? Hey, that's a real problem alright!
don't forget 13.: 95% of the population can be fooled with statistics like this one I just made up.