The Youngstown Vindicator recently ran several articles about the traffic on State Route 224 through Boardman Township. It is a highly congested road, a prime example of unbridled growth with no planning, such as access roads. Although I have seen busier roads many other places, I have rarely seen the atrocious driving for which Rt. 224 is famous. ODOT lists it as the 6th most congested road in the state, and it is regularly on the top 10 list for accidents, albeit most of them of the fender bender variety.
I drive up and down that road at list once each day, and more often than not several times each day. And although my observations may be anecdotal in nature, I think I can safely say that the Vindicator article should have been headlined to read “Bitchy Women Terrorize Local Highway”. In my travels to and from work, I am the victim of an occasional male aggressive driver who more likely than not is under the age of 25. But on a regular basis, the women top the men in bad, distracted, careless, and aggressive driving.
Last week, I was attempting to make a right turn, with an arrow, from South Avenue onto Rt. 224. When the right arrow appeared, I started to turn right. But drivers going the other way making a left turn continued to go through the light, one woman, then another, then another. Finally, with my right turn arrow still green, I thought I would be able to safely make my right turn, here comes another woman making a left turn in front of me literally on two wheels. I had to honk my horn to keep her from hitting the front of my car, to which she responded with the proverbial finger through her sun roof. As I pulled up next to her at the next light that she couldn’t run because there was a car in front of her, I observed she was drinking a bottle of water while talking on her cell phone. This was no kid. This lady was a minimum in her mid 40’s. Life is all about her.
Two weeks ago, on my AM drive to work, I was driving in the right lane 50 miles/hour down the portion of Rt. 224 with a 45 mph speed limit, and this babe pulls up behind me, tailgating me to the point where I thought her bumper was going to hook into mine. There was no place for me to go. She started to weave between the lanes, and I made a right turn into a parking lot to get away from her….as she drank her coffee, talked on her cell phone, and was fixing her hair. When I got back on the highway, her efforts to get to work quickly were thwarted by other traffic lights and I pulled up next to her at the Glenwood Avenue intersection. She was still yacking on the phone with a teacher’s sticker in her car for Poland High School. I hope she doesn’t teach Drivers Ed.
I drive up and down that road at list once each day, and more often than not several times each day. And although my observations may be anecdotal in nature, I think I can safely say that the Vindicator article should have been headlined to read “Bitchy Women Terrorize Local Highway”. In my travels to and from work, I am the victim of an occasional male aggressive driver who more likely than not is under the age of 25. But on a regular basis, the women top the men in bad, distracted, careless, and aggressive driving.
Last week, I was attempting to make a right turn, with an arrow, from South Avenue onto Rt. 224. When the right arrow appeared, I started to turn right. But drivers going the other way making a left turn continued to go through the light, one woman, then another, then another. Finally, with my right turn arrow still green, I thought I would be able to safely make my right turn, here comes another woman making a left turn in front of me literally on two wheels. I had to honk my horn to keep her from hitting the front of my car, to which she responded with the proverbial finger through her sun roof. As I pulled up next to her at the next light that she couldn’t run because there was a car in front of her, I observed she was drinking a bottle of water while talking on her cell phone. This was no kid. This lady was a minimum in her mid 40’s. Life is all about her.
Two weeks ago, on my AM drive to work, I was driving in the right lane 50 miles/hour down the portion of Rt. 224 with a 45 mph speed limit, and this babe pulls up behind me, tailgating me to the point where I thought her bumper was going to hook into mine. There was no place for me to go. She started to weave between the lanes, and I made a right turn into a parking lot to get away from her….as she drank her coffee, talked on her cell phone, and was fixing her hair. When I got back on the highway, her efforts to get to work quickly were thwarted by other traffic lights and I pulled up next to her at the Glenwood Avenue intersection. She was still yacking on the phone with a teacher’s sticker in her car for Poland High School. I hope she doesn’t teach Drivers Ed.
I am glad I am not dating today. These terror babes of the road are symptomatic of the general tenor of ladies in our society today. With shows like Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives all over the television, along with infobabes like Nancy Grace looking to pull the electric chair switch on any man that is charged with anything, it is no wonder that the fairer sex is rapidly turning into rabid dogs out for God knows what. I would be happy to settle for just a tad less aggressive driving by these folks. In the meantime, it’s scary out there. Please direct all hate mail to Hillary Clinton.
This was one of your best. I can picture this whole scene. A few years ago, I "accidentally" cut off a male driver on South Avenue, going north and approaching Midlothian Blvd., I quickly made a right turn from the left lane into the right lane, as that lane was the one going straight on South Avenue, he pulled up along side of me after I crossed over Midlothian, and gave me the finger, but also yelled out the car "I have nothing to stop me, I can take you out in a minute!" I've been much more careful since. Talk about terror. Jeannette K.