Hold onto your hats. Here is Mark’s Fearless Year In Advance Presidential Election Pick. Every four years I get an adrenaline rush as I anticipate the Olympics and the Presidential election. And this year, it comes early, as each of the states cuts in front of the other to sanctify its influence in the choice of candidates. Make sure you vote before going to Midnight Mass.
The media is attempting to make the primaries a horse race, but I think most of the horses are trotting to the glue factory. Hillary is making the Dems and the main stream media orgasmic as they anticipate a woman nominee; qualifications be damned. She is a one term Senator from New York whose claim to fame as First Lady is that bureaucratic abomination called Hillary Care. The rest of the time she was putting out Bimbo eruptions at the same rate as the firefighters are putting out fires in Southern California.
On the “R” side, is Guiliani. Because of this blog, I actually had to learn how to spell his name. If you watch him, his eyes bulge in and out as he talks. Cute for now, but I don’t know if I could take it for any number of years. Saturday Night Live will have a field day with him. On the plus side, he likes women as much as Bill Clinton. Only difference is Guiliani marries them.
The media tried to push Thompson, but that dog don’t hunt. Then there is Romney. Great hair and a nice looking fellow, probably the best manager in both parties. But his religion is working against him with the Republican party base. They want the Mormon vote, but to actually elect one to national office? Well…let me consult with my wives.
It is clear to me that the nominees will be Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani. It is equally clear to me that in a head to head race, Hillary will win the election, but Guiliani will be the next President of the United States.
In nationwide polls, Hillary beats Guiliani by a steady 4%. Today, Hillary would get 44% of the vote, and on election day, she will get 44% of the vote. She has 2 problems. First, she has no undecideds to go after. Voters either like or hate her. Their minds are already made up.
But the bigger problem for Hillary is where her support is concentrated. It doesn’t make any difference by how much she wins California. She will get 55 electoral votes. Same in Massachusetts,(12) and New York (31). The problem is going to be in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, New Jersey and Florida. Those states can be tipped either way in any given election. Guiliani has a shot in all of those states, and he doesn’t have to win them by much. It is a repeat of the 2000 election.
Guiliani is a Republican, but his politics is old line, pre-whacko left wing, Democrat. If he were to pick a vice presidential candidate based on ideology, he would pick Joe Lieberman. His Italian heritage, and his tough image as mayor of NYC, will play well to the Italian vote in all of the above states, enough to tip the electoral votes to the GOP in at least 3, if not 4, of those states. The pundits will make much of his abortion position and Italian Catholicism, but many Italians are cafeteria Catholics, and it will be a non-issue.
So 13 months before the election, Mark fearlessly predicts that the headline will read:
Are your hanging chads ready?
The media is attempting to make the primaries a horse race, but I think most of the horses are trotting to the glue factory. Hillary is making the Dems and the main stream media orgasmic as they anticipate a woman nominee; qualifications be damned. She is a one term Senator from New York whose claim to fame as First Lady is that bureaucratic abomination called Hillary Care. The rest of the time she was putting out Bimbo eruptions at the same rate as the firefighters are putting out fires in Southern California.
On the “R” side, is Guiliani. Because of this blog, I actually had to learn how to spell his name. If you watch him, his eyes bulge in and out as he talks. Cute for now, but I don’t know if I could take it for any number of years. Saturday Night Live will have a field day with him. On the plus side, he likes women as much as Bill Clinton. Only difference is Guiliani marries them.
The media tried to push Thompson, but that dog don’t hunt. Then there is Romney. Great hair and a nice looking fellow, probably the best manager in both parties. But his religion is working against him with the Republican party base. They want the Mormon vote, but to actually elect one to national office? Well…let me consult with my wives.
It is clear to me that the nominees will be Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani. It is equally clear to me that in a head to head race, Hillary will win the election, but Guiliani will be the next President of the United States.
In nationwide polls, Hillary beats Guiliani by a steady 4%. Today, Hillary would get 44% of the vote, and on election day, she will get 44% of the vote. She has 2 problems. First, she has no undecideds to go after. Voters either like or hate her. Their minds are already made up.
But the bigger problem for Hillary is where her support is concentrated. It doesn’t make any difference by how much she wins California. She will get 55 electoral votes. Same in Massachusetts,(12) and New York (31). The problem is going to be in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, New Jersey and Florida. Those states can be tipped either way in any given election. Guiliani has a shot in all of those states, and he doesn’t have to win them by much. It is a repeat of the 2000 election.
Guiliani is a Republican, but his politics is old line, pre-whacko left wing, Democrat. If he were to pick a vice presidential candidate based on ideology, he would pick Joe Lieberman. His Italian heritage, and his tough image as mayor of NYC, will play well to the Italian vote in all of the above states, enough to tip the electoral votes to the GOP in at least 3, if not 4, of those states. The pundits will make much of his abortion position and Italian Catholicism, but many Italians are cafeteria Catholics, and it will be a non-issue.
So 13 months before the election, Mark fearlessly predicts that the headline will read:
Are your hanging chads ready?