Carrying the Crown to the Coronation
Please visit Mark Knows It All, the web site, by clicking on the link at the top of the adjoining column.
On Wednesday morning I watched Fox News, NBC News, and CNN to see how the election is being covered in relations to issues I feel are important. At the top of my list were Joe Biden’s comments from Monday about the possibility of an “international incident” within 6 months of Barack Obama assuming the presidency, should he be elected. Biden said Obama is an unknown factor and will be tested. He made reference to John Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis as an example. Kennedy was an unknown factor, inexperienced, and it showed in an earlier meeting with Krushchev, where the Soviet Premier concluded Kennedy was weak. Even scarier were Biden’s remarks to the Obama donors in attendance that they will have to stand by Obama/Biden as the response to whatever the incident happens to be will be perceived as “wrong,” whatever that means.
Biden is right. I wrote several times this past year that Obama will be perceived to be weak, and will be eaten alive by the bad guys of the world. I think it will happen much sooner than the 6 month period outlined by Biden, perhaps within the first 8 -12 weeks.
This is big news. To the best of my knowledge, the so called main stream media didn’t carry the story anywhere until Fox News forced them to address the issue on Wednesday. The New York Times didn’t give it a mention. Yet, it is probably the biggest foreign policy pronouncement from the Obama campaign since his return from his Messiah tour to Europe. Biden repeated what he said when Biden was running in the primary…but this time he was looking for cover with the money people before Obama is even elected.
Fox News led with the story Tuesday and Wednesday morning. CNN, on the other hand, did 15 minutes on Sarah Palin and the x-rated video clip created by Hustler’s Larry Flynt, as well as showing the derogatory You Tube clips relating to Palin. NBC led with a story about the Republican Party paying for Palin’s wardrobe, and Alaska paying for plane tickets for her daughter who accompanied her on some Alaska trips, something that is not illegal under Alaska law if the family is making an appearance with her. NBC footnoted that she declined the per diem the daughter was entitled to.
So, which is the bigger news story, Biden predicting a possible attack on the United States to test Barack Obama mettle, or Palin’s wardrobe and children? You decide.
We have witnessed the death of non-bias journalism in the United States. Even Dan Rather, who attempted to sabotage the Bush campaign with dummied up documents while he was anchor at CBS, said that this year the press has crossed the line. We, as a nation, are the poorer for it. Obama has been given a pass on every single issue that surrounds his candidacy, while the media has made its lifeblood the trashing of Sarah Palin.
The cursory coverage of issues such as William Ayers mostly resulted in puff, justification pieces. This guy’s wife was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List, folks. Jeremiah Wright? Coverage concluded he was a distraction and irrelevant. Obama’s association with ACORN, whose investigation by law enforcement is only just beginning? Not important. The hundreds of millions of dollars Obama raised on the internet associated with no names…so what?
Do you really believe that Obama didn’t know Ayers was a terrorist? Do you really believe that Obama didn’t know the hate preached from the pulpit by his pastor of 20 years? Do you really believe that the unaccounted for $250,000,000.00 raised by him came from poor college students, homeless people, and inner city residents making individual donations? Do you really believe his association with ACORN is simply incidental? If you believe any of the above claims of ignorance, you have to believe that Obama must be totally clueless. He isn’t. He is a Harvard educated lawyer. And if he is as innocent as he would you have you believe, he ought not to be President. In the meantime, we know every detail about Sarah Palin.
What we are seeing in the press today is the liberal bias drummed into graduated students’ heads in journalism schools, run by liberal professors, who have ceased teaching objectivity and journalistic integrity in favor of teaching social justice and press activism.
Obama himself wags his finger at any news outlet that dares to question him. Outside of Richard Nixon, I have NEVER seen a presidential candidate single out a media outlet because its coverage is not as pristine as the candidate would like such as Obama has done to Fox News. The media is entitled to ask tough questions. That is their function in our society. The media is NOT there to carry the crown to the coronation. NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are carrying the crown.
The net result of this lack of vetting by the mainstream press is the possibility of scandals rocking an Obama administration. While the Democratic Congress will not lend itself to these types of investigations, state prosecutors, independent media, and the FBI will. Barack Obama was the second largest beneficiary of contributions from Fannie Mae in the Senate, right behind Christopher Dodd. Not on the news. Barack Obama’s ties with ACORN are looking increasingly tenuous. Not on the news. His sources of campaign funds are finally beginning to raise some eyebrows. Not on the news. Obama’s supervision of the disbursal of millions of tax dollars to questionable organizations at the request of William Ayers are finally being scrutinized. Not in the news. We aren’t supposed to care about these “distractions from what is important.”
I care. And sooner or later, you will, too.
Picture Courtesy Flickr Common Attribution:Renegade 98; Some Rights Reserved

Biden is right. I wrote several times this past year that Obama will be perceived to be weak, and will be eaten alive by the bad guys of the world. I think it will happen much sooner than the 6 month period outlined by Biden, perhaps within the first 8 -12 weeks.
This is big news. To the best of my knowledge, the so called main stream media didn’t carry the story anywhere until Fox News forced them to address the issue on Wednesday. The New York Times didn’t give it a mention. Yet, it is probably the biggest foreign policy pronouncement from the Obama campaign since his return from his Messiah tour to Europe. Biden repeated what he said when Biden was running in the primary…but this time he was looking for cover with the money people before Obama is even elected.
Fox News led with the story Tuesday and Wednesday morning. CNN, on the other hand, did 15 minutes on Sarah Palin and the x-rated video clip created by Hustler’s Larry Flynt, as well as showing the derogatory You Tube clips relating to Palin. NBC led with a story about the Republican Party paying for Palin’s wardrobe, and Alaska paying for plane tickets for her daughter who accompanied her on some Alaska trips, something that is not illegal under Alaska law if the family is making an appearance with her. NBC footnoted that she declined the per diem the daughter was entitled to.
So, which is the bigger news story, Biden predicting a possible attack on the United States to test Barack Obama mettle, or Palin’s wardrobe and children? You decide.
We have witnessed the death of non-bias journalism in the United States. Even Dan Rather, who attempted to sabotage the Bush campaign with dummied up documents while he was anchor at CBS, said that this year the press has crossed the line. We, as a nation, are the poorer for it. Obama has been given a pass on every single issue that surrounds his candidacy, while the media has made its lifeblood the trashing of Sarah Palin.
The cursory coverage of issues such as William Ayers mostly resulted in puff, justification pieces. This guy’s wife was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List, folks. Jeremiah Wright? Coverage concluded he was a distraction and irrelevant. Obama’s association with ACORN, whose investigation by law enforcement is only just beginning? Not important. The hundreds of millions of dollars Obama raised on the internet associated with no names…so what?
Do you really believe that Obama didn’t know Ayers was a terrorist? Do you really believe that Obama didn’t know the hate preached from the pulpit by his pastor of 20 years? Do you really believe that the unaccounted for $250,000,000.00 raised by him came from poor college students, homeless people, and inner city residents making individual donations? Do you really believe his association with ACORN is simply incidental? If you believe any of the above claims of ignorance, you have to believe that Obama must be totally clueless. He isn’t. He is a Harvard educated lawyer. And if he is as innocent as he would you have you believe, he ought not to be President. In the meantime, we know every detail about Sarah Palin.
What we are seeing in the press today is the liberal bias drummed into graduated students’ heads in journalism schools, run by liberal professors, who have ceased teaching objectivity and journalistic integrity in favor of teaching social justice and press activism.
Obama himself wags his finger at any news outlet that dares to question him. Outside of Richard Nixon, I have NEVER seen a presidential candidate single out a media outlet because its coverage is not as pristine as the candidate would like such as Obama has done to Fox News. The media is entitled to ask tough questions. That is their function in our society. The media is NOT there to carry the crown to the coronation. NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are carrying the crown.
The net result of this lack of vetting by the mainstream press is the possibility of scandals rocking an Obama administration. While the Democratic Congress will not lend itself to these types of investigations, state prosecutors, independent media, and the FBI will. Barack Obama was the second largest beneficiary of contributions from Fannie Mae in the Senate, right behind Christopher Dodd. Not on the news. Barack Obama’s ties with ACORN are looking increasingly tenuous. Not on the news. His sources of campaign funds are finally beginning to raise some eyebrows. Not on the news. Obama’s supervision of the disbursal of millions of tax dollars to questionable organizations at the request of William Ayers are finally being scrutinized. Not in the news. We aren’t supposed to care about these “distractions from what is important.”
I care. And sooner or later, you will, too.
Picture Courtesy Flickr Common Attribution:Renegade 98; Some Rights Reserved