Spreading the Wealth Around
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John McCain has run a terrible campaign. He has failed to connect the dots defining Barack Obama’s beliefs and political ideology in ways that the American public can understand. Last night’s debate at least got him off the mark towards that direction, but I suspect it is too little, too late. On the other hand, one never knows.
In Bill Clinton’s first campaign for the presidency, the phrase that turned the tide was “It’s the economy, stupid!” This campaign’s icon is Joe, the Plumber, and Obama’s off the cuff comment to him that he wants to “spread the wealth around.” It is giving the voters pause. Here is a blue collar worker who wants to live the dream, and knows that taxes on small businesses will prevent him from achieving that dream. Joe can do the math. No small feat given the state of our public schools. Whose wealth does Obama want to spread around, and to whom?
I don’t doubt Obama’s sincerity as a person. I kind of like the guy. On the other hand, his “God” complex evidenced in the early days of the campaign somehow rings true with his Plumber statement. What divine intervention gives him the ability to determine how much of what you make should go to whom? Did he climb the mountain with Moses?
One of McCain’s surrogates said it best. She said that when she was small, her father, who made $60,000.00/year, told her to work hard, play by the rules, and she would succeed. Obama says, work hard, play by the rules, and you get to keep 35% of what you make.
Obama’s background is one of inner city community activism. It is our life experience that shapes who we are, and Obama is no exception. He worked hard over the years to achieve his perception of social justice, an admirable goal…but a competing goal to American mores of self help and determination and responsibility for one’s life. No matter how you slice and dice it, he will bring his goals of “social justice” to the White House; the idea of giving tax rebates to people who pay no taxes, for example. His background is reflected in his associations. If his friends are folks like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, and his organizational affiliations include groups like ACORN, whether or not these folks actually advise him or go to the White House with him is irrelevant. It demonstrates what his political beliefs are, and that is enough.
Liberals have always had a hard time in defining rich. In the last election cycle, one prominent Democrat defined “rich” as anyone who made over $25,000.00/year. I believe that is closer to the liberal view than Obama’s arbitrary $250,000.00/year designation. Anyone who has operated a small business knows how difficult government agencies have made doing anything. Permits are excessive. Taxes are oppressive. Minimum wage increases means you can hire fewer people. Workers Comp guys and OSHA are breathing down your neck. I have been there. I know. Obama’s definition of rich, which I don’t really believe, covers 60% of small business owners. He has never run a business and is totally clueless. He will kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
In my experience, the most ardent conservatives are liberals who have opened a small business. Anyone who moves from public sector employment into the private sector will tell you the hard lessons they learn, and the problems the public sector has wrought. They are amazed at the hoops one has to jump through to do item 1. This is what Obama doesn’t know.
So, for plumbers, electricians, family farmers, restaurateurs, owners of hair salons, HVAC companies, construction companies, pizza shop owners, hold onto your wallets. The potential new president might want to spread some of your wealth around.

In Bill Clinton’s first campaign for the presidency, the phrase that turned the tide was “It’s the economy, stupid!” This campaign’s icon is Joe, the Plumber, and Obama’s off the cuff comment to him that he wants to “spread the wealth around.” It is giving the voters pause. Here is a blue collar worker who wants to live the dream, and knows that taxes on small businesses will prevent him from achieving that dream. Joe can do the math. No small feat given the state of our public schools. Whose wealth does Obama want to spread around, and to whom?
I don’t doubt Obama’s sincerity as a person. I kind of like the guy. On the other hand, his “God” complex evidenced in the early days of the campaign somehow rings true with his Plumber statement. What divine intervention gives him the ability to determine how much of what you make should go to whom? Did he climb the mountain with Moses?
One of McCain’s surrogates said it best. She said that when she was small, her father, who made $60,000.00/year, told her to work hard, play by the rules, and she would succeed. Obama says, work hard, play by the rules, and you get to keep 35% of what you make.
Obama’s background is one of inner city community activism. It is our life experience that shapes who we are, and Obama is no exception. He worked hard over the years to achieve his perception of social justice, an admirable goal…but a competing goal to American mores of self help and determination and responsibility for one’s life. No matter how you slice and dice it, he will bring his goals of “social justice” to the White House; the idea of giving tax rebates to people who pay no taxes, for example. His background is reflected in his associations. If his friends are folks like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, and his organizational affiliations include groups like ACORN, whether or not these folks actually advise him or go to the White House with him is irrelevant. It demonstrates what his political beliefs are, and that is enough.
Liberals have always had a hard time in defining rich. In the last election cycle, one prominent Democrat defined “rich” as anyone who made over $25,000.00/year. I believe that is closer to the liberal view than Obama’s arbitrary $250,000.00/year designation. Anyone who has operated a small business knows how difficult government agencies have made doing anything. Permits are excessive. Taxes are oppressive. Minimum wage increases means you can hire fewer people. Workers Comp guys and OSHA are breathing down your neck. I have been there. I know. Obama’s definition of rich, which I don’t really believe, covers 60% of small business owners. He has never run a business and is totally clueless. He will kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
In my experience, the most ardent conservatives are liberals who have opened a small business. Anyone who moves from public sector employment into the private sector will tell you the hard lessons they learn, and the problems the public sector has wrought. They are amazed at the hoops one has to jump through to do item 1. This is what Obama doesn’t know.
So, for plumbers, electricians, family farmers, restaurateurs, owners of hair salons, HVAC companies, construction companies, pizza shop owners, hold onto your wallets. The potential new president might want to spread some of your wealth around.