What Does Mark Want for Christmas?

Could somebody please tell me what I want for Christmas this year? Both of my friends keep asking me what I want. I’ve got my two front teeth, although one of them has been chipped since I was 15. I also tried that doggie in the window and was allergic. If I were in a beauty pageant, I would want peace on earth. The trouble is…I have just about everything that I need. I have a 3 year old 32” HDTV, which works perfectly fine, thank you. No, it is not a flat screen. Yes, it is heavier than all get out with a big tube in the back. But it will last forever, has no angle problems, fits nicely in the corner, and even though it 720 dpi instead of 1080 dpi, my eyes aren’t good enough to tell the difference, new glasses notwithstanding. I have a surround sound system attached to it. I don’t use it because I have to bend over to turn it on…very difficult at my age. It has a remote, but there are so many buttons I am afraid I would launch a NASA missile if I push the wrong button. I have a car. ...