Goodbye George! Hello Barack!

History will treat Bush much kinder than his contemporaries. His handling of the September 11 debacle was magnificent. He inherited 20 years of foreign policy blunders culminating in the worst attack on American soil in history. He defined the means by which terrorism can be defeated, and you will see President Obama pay lip service to the whiny civil libertarians, but his actions will be more in line with President Bush, except the New York Times won’t be leaking classified information to undermine him. You see, when an attack occurs, you don’t care about wire tapping terrorist telephone calls, you only care about your dead friends and loved ones, and why nothing was done to stop it.
Operating in a frightening new era of foreign policy problems, he managed to keep America safe from more terrorist attacks…and that is what counts. He defined evil where he saw it. Iran is evil. Iraq is evil. North Korea is evil. Those in the media may laugh about the Axis of Evil. I am not laughing. Hamas is evil. Hezbollah is evil. Those who are willing to sacrifice children, women, and teenagers as suicide bombers are evil. There is no equivocation when it comes to these kinds of issues. These folks are not left or right on the political spectrum. They are equal opportunity killers.
If you want to know why President Bush went into Iraq, look at a map. Iran is now surrounded by US troops. Hello, are you listening? Had Jimmy “lust in my heart” Carter had a pair of balls during the Iran hostage crisis…we would not be at this place today. The war in Iraq would have been shorter if people like Senator Harry “the war is lost” Reid and Congressman John “my constituents are racists” Murtha hadn’t purposely tried to sabotage the war effort. I call it treason. The press apparently thought otherwise. The surge worked, and President Bush is handing President Obama a victory in Iraq, and a position of strength to handle Iran and the upcoming escalation of the Afghanistan War.
Bush certainly had his faults. He dropped the ball with Hurricane Katrina. No government should watch its people die on a bridge, in the heat, for a period of days when they could have easily been rescued. He dropped the ball on leading the country to energy independence after the 9/11 attacks. And he dropped the ball by failing to whistle blow the economic fiasco rooted in Urban Redevelopment legislation and the resultant Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial meltdown.
Over the past several days, President Bush has defended his record in a public manner. He steadfastly refuses to be apologetic about his efforts to keep America safe. He stated bluntly that he would do whatever was necessary under his advisers' interpretation of the law to garner information from terrorists in order to protect our citizens. As with ALL war time presidents, he had to make adjustments to his war plan in order to succeed. He did it listening to the press savage him about torture, while Bill Clinton simply skirted the issue by sending his prisoners to Egypt to let them do the torturing. Rendition is the same thing.
Reality is going to hit President Obama in the face like a cold bucket of water. The Islamic terrorists will confront him head on. He is going to close down Guantanamo Bay. Where is he going to send these guys? How about to Harry Reid's home state of Nevada, or John Murtha's Pittsburgh Congressional District?
President Bush handed President Obama a gift in Iraq, notwithstanding Obama's opposition. Is he now going to escalate the war in Afghanistan? Is he going to invade Pakistan as he indicated in the campaign? Or will he simply lob a few missiles into the bad guys like Bill Clinton?
Will he allow our intelligence agencies to act in a meaningful manner, or build up walls between them like Janet Reno, which led directly to 9/11?
When Russia stops the natural gas flow into Europe... will he oppose building coal burning electric plants to provide those folks with heat? Look outside folks...this has been one of the coldest winters in decades. There is no global warming.
If the Europeans get mad at us for whatever, will he be willing to sacrifice America's sovereignty to a world organization who will dictate our energy and economic policy to us? His choice for head of the EPA advocates this, and is a prominent member of a socialist world governance organization. She is a scary dudette.
And what will he do when the Keith Olbermann's of the world continue their rant for a criminal prosecution of George Bush like he did last night on MSNBC. There are those in Congress who will push this if for nothing else than grandstanding.
I hope he will be able to come to correct decisions on all of the above. Our survival as a nation and a people depend on it. We wish him luck.
When Russia stops the natural gas flow into Europe... will he oppose building coal burning electric plants to provide those folks with heat? Look outside folks...this has been one of the coldest winters in decades. There is no global warming.
If the Europeans get mad at us for whatever, will he be willing to sacrifice America's sovereignty to a world organization who will dictate our energy and economic policy to us? His choice for head of the EPA advocates this, and is a prominent member of a socialist world governance organization. She is a scary dudette.
And what will he do when the Keith Olbermann's of the world continue their rant for a criminal prosecution of George Bush like he did last night on MSNBC. There are those in Congress who will push this if for nothing else than grandstanding.
I hope he will be able to come to correct decisions on all of the above. Our survival as a nation and a people depend on it. We wish him luck.