Capitulating to the Government

What does this mean? It means that GM’s management has given up. It is walking away. And the once proud US automaker will be owned and run by the government and the unions. Does that mean anything at all to you?
It is the signature event of our times: Americans are capitulating their freedom to the government. As we sit idly by, Big Brother is moving towards a centrally planned economy…forcing its way into the banking and manufacturing sectors of our society on a bullied march to socialism. It would be better if General Motors were to file for bankruptcy, the usual path with failed industries. We in Youngstown know all about it. When the steel industry collapsed, it was catastrophic, but we survived. The government was no where to be seen. Sheet and Tube was obviously not too big to fail.
Meanwhile, we are distracted by Obama’s dog, or Obama’s apology tour, or Obama’s teleprompter oratory skills. Headlines are the swine flu. IT’S THE FLU. Doesn’t get many headlines in the winter. And while we are distracted, our president is destroying our way of life piece by piece. Health care is next. To make it worse, he has put this country in a financial box with borrowing more money this year than the nation has borrowed its entire history. There is no way we can climb out of what he is doing. Yet, we look the other way.
How much of your life are you willing to turn over to the government? I am not willing to sacrifice one iota of my freedom. This man who is our president was a ½ term United States Senator, and a community organizer. He knows one thing…government spending. He has no experience in the private sector, and views it with disdain. His idea of a small business is a muffin shop. While muffin shops are nice, my view of a small business is an aluminum extruding company that employs 100 people or more. That concept is beyond him. His life experience is to go to the public well and get more money for his vision of a social utopia that is unachievable. It didn’t work in Russia. It didn’t work in Cuba. It doesn’t work in France or Germany…and it won’t work here.
Just what kind of job do you think Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Frank will do running General Motors? They will build cars you don’t want to drive subsidized with your tax dollars. And when the politically designed, centrally planned cars don’t sell, they will attempt to shut down the competition so you will have no choice but to buy what they think you should drive. Ford should be concerned. This is what they do. This is not a new script. I guarantee that any car manufacturing company run by the government will fail bigger, and cost us more, than if GM just followed the normal course of things into bankruptcy.
I must be some kind of a nut, you may be thinking. I am not. Barack Obama and his governmental thieves are stealing your future on false promises and hopes. If we continue the government takeover of banking, manufacturing and health care, we are finished as a nation just as sure as the sun set on the British Empire.