Time for Universal Technology Standards

Today I have reached the end. I am technologied out. I wrote about this several weeks ago, and I am going to write about it again today. If some uniform standard of compatibility for our electronic gizmos isn’t established soon, this country will be in big trouble. Patent and proprietary rights laws need to be updated and modernized to account for the rapid advancements in digital technology, and the country’s complete reliance on this myriad of non-compatible advancements. One break in this indispensible technological chain could bring this country to a grinding halt. A case in point is my wireless mouse. Two years ago, I bought a Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse set to go with my laptop. The mouse has been giving me fits. It is difficult to use and patently unreliable. I go through batteries like water, and it still only works when it wants to. I looked for a replacement, and lo and behold, Microsoft doesn’t make this model anymore. So I went to Best Buy to look for a compatible...