Television is Back!!

I like watching television. I can remember when back in the day (for me…that would be late 1960’s and early 1070’s), we would determine our week’s schedule by what show was on when. Carol Burnett and All in the Family, to name a few, led the pack. Don’t get in my way on Saturday nights. Popcorn and television was as good a Saturday night as could be had. But as of late, with advent of a gizzilion cable stations, TV programming sunk to nothing more than a bunch of raunchy reality shows with about as much T & A as the censors would allow. The Bachelor? Big Brother? Yuk. And nothing was ever on the same night even if you found something you liked. Even the broadcast season was skewed. No new fall lineup. Any shows that were interesting started in January, and lately they actually started in late spring for a test summer run. But then I noticed a change. All of a sudden, the cable channels offered a bunch of original programming that has consistently been getting better. Even the broad...