Television is Back!!

But as of late, with advent of a gizzilion cable stations, TV programming sunk to nothing more than a bunch of raunchy reality shows with about as much T & A as the censors would allow. The Bachelor? Big Brother? Yuk. And nothing was ever on the same night even if you found something you liked. Even the broadcast season was skewed. No new fall lineup. Any shows that were interesting started in January, and lately they actually started in late spring for a test summer run.
But then I noticed a change. All of a sudden, the cable channels offered a bunch of original programming that has consistently been getting better. Even the broadcast networks seem to be showing some innovation. I find myself actually looking forward to specific shows…and enjoying them more and more. There are even a few I make an effort to be home for, just like the old days. Here are some of the winners.
1) Pawn Stars: This is a pop version of the PBS’ Antique Roadshow. Grandpa, the son, and the grandson own a pawn shop in Las Vegas. The show deals with how they do business and some of the merchandise that the store handles. One of the guys provides running commentary on an object that someone brings into the shop, and tells the history of the object, why it is valuable, how to tell if it’s fake, and how to haggle over price. A store employee named “Chum” provides the comic relief. Nobody can be that stupid! Back to back 1/2 hour shows are on Monday nights on the History Channel. I have always liked the History Channel. Who knew they would come up with a pop winner? Monday; The History Channel 10:00.
2) Modern Family: Grandpa has married a hot Mexican babe with a wise beyond years son. His daughter tries to get through life with her goofy husband and her children. His anal retentive son is gay and lives with a free spirit partner and their adopted Asian baby. Looking at the subject matter, I could give you a host of reasons why I shouldn’t like this show, but I love it. It is witty and sweet and funny, and hits the mark on dealing with life today. It is my favorite new show of the season and demonstrates that good writing can bridge age and ideological divides. Struthers own Ed O’Neill stars for an added bonus. Wednesday; ABC 9:00.
3) Memphis Beat: Jason Lee leaves some of his quirky comedy and stars in the atmospheric, semi-comic, detective show. He sings Elvis and still loves his ex-wife… and can solve a down-home murder faster than you can say Jessica Fletcher. Plots tend to be a little lame, but the setting and mood and food...and the MUSIC…make this a great summer view. Tuesday; TNT 10:00.
4) The Glades: Filmed in Fort Lauderdale, Aussie hottie Matt Passmore loses his accent to star in this far-fetched Florida based detective show. He talks too much, and tends to act too cool, and chases a married woman, and tugs at your heartstrings with the developing relationship with her son…and the stupid show actually works. Maybe it’s because my brain’s gray matter is dying off, but I like this show. It makes Sunday nights tolerable. Sunday; A&E 10:00.
Honorable mention goes to The Closer (if you can get past the bad accent) and Hawthorne (nursing heroes). American Pickers (go shopping at your local hoarders), History’s Mysteries (an intellectual Pawn Stars), and Through the Wormhole (who said physics can’t be fun)…round out this summer’s viewing fare. All are good. And my faith is renewed in those in charge of the vast wasteland.
Happy viewing!!