
Assange releases the first group of classified documents, and the Obama administration ignores him. Then he releases the second group of classified documents, and the Obama administration ignores him again; but this time there is trouble. This group wasn’t mundane and listed a whole bunch of bad stuff…but mostly it documented unflattering statements about how our government really felt about other countries and world leaders. How humiliating…but fascinating reading!! Hillary spied on other heads of state…quelle surprise!! Saudi Arabia is funding Al Qaeda…who knew? Obama doesn’t like Sarkozy…I never would have guessed. Korea will collapse in three years…we can only hope!
In the middle of the muddle, it turns out the Mr. Assange has a bad case of the hot pants. While attending a conference of lefties in Stockholm, he hooks up with this sweet young thing, and moves into her house so he doesn’t have to pay for a hotel room. Wonder of wonders, they have sex. Who’d have thought? In the middle of the happening, his condom breaks. The next morning, the babe wants a redo. He doesn’t have a condom and they decided to do without. Then she cooked him breakfast. Threw him a party. And all was right with the world.
Until the sweet young thing introduces him to another sweet young thing, who promptly joins him after one of his lectures going to the movies where they decided to have sex. I don't want to know where. Of course, he didn’t have a condom…nor did he have any money for a train ticket to get out of town. Sweet young thing 2 then buys him a train ticket after he goes back to sweet young thing 1's house for another roll in the hay..and he skips town. SYT 1 buys him a train ticket back. But somewhere along the line 1 and 2 have a talk, and find out he was boinking both of them at the same time. Oh my. Of course, what Mr. Assange didn’t know was that in Sweden, it is rape if you don’t use a condom. I kid you not…and the angry female duo proceeds to file charges against Mr. Assange, who is now in the sights of some aggressive female prosecutor out to castrate the dude. Such are the ways of do-gooder leftist governments. Can we be far behind?
Next Mr. Assange attempted to blackmail the United States with the release of more documents of a highly sensitive nature, and goes to England…where he is promptly arrested and thrown into jail without bail for rape, or as we say here in the States, having sex without a condom.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I mean Washington, Obama and his sidekick Eric “try the terrorists in New York” Holder are having an investigation about whether Assange broke any United States espionage laws. Let’s see…he is a foreign national who stole United States military secrets to destroy our diplomatic system and putting our soldiers and allies at risk. Mmmm. Isn’t that what Scooter Libby did with Valerie Plame?
This would be hysterically funny if not so sad with deadly consequences. Obama’s lack of reaction says a lot. He can’t react because prior to becoming President, this is exactly the type of thing he and his leftist cronies relished doing. He is one of them.
Do you REALLY think that an army private could download all of this information onto a laptop in the middle of the desert without some help? Do you REALLY think that Assange could set this website up without any outside financial help?
I predict that when the Republican Congress investigates what happened here, the fallout will be more substantial than anyone can imagine. Those with such an extreme left wing philosophy are a 20% minority in the United States, with 5% politically active. Obama is in that group. I predict that the seeds for the collapse of the Obama presidency will be found with Mr. Assange and his supporters. Always follow the money. The same people who funded Obama’s campaign will have financial ties with Mr. Assange. It will get very nasty.
Meanwhile, my advice to any left wing activist about to do some serious spying…use a condom, especially in Sweden!!!!