Why America is Broke - Your Tax Dollars at Work

One can get used to anything, even oppressive government. The United States government, trying to save us from ourselves, has become more oppressive these past few years intruding into every aspect of our lives. It’s no wonder, therefore, that we are broke as government has stuck its ugly head into places it ought not to be.

1) Recent do-gooder gurus have proclaimed that child obesity is child abuse, and obese children should be taken away from their parents and put in foster homes. Oh my. Are there that many foster homes available that either don’t have obese children themselves or have obese foster parents? Sounds ridiculous? This is just the type of program the left wing loves. Scales anyone?

2) What’s that? You would like a cup of coffee? The Styrofoam cups are in the cupboard behind the Twinkees. Oh..never mind. Twinkees have been outlawed, and so have Styrofoam cups. In the midst of the debt ceiling “crisis”, Congress has decided to consider banning Styrofoam cups. OMG. They are destroying the environment and landfills. Of all the stupid ass things to worry about when our debt rating is about to be downgraded! Congress has yet to vote on this proposal, but it will be coming to a McDonald’s near you soon. Hey…maybe we can have those individual mugs behind the Big Mac counter just like the saloons in the old days. No? What should we replace the Styrofoam with? Plastic!!!!!

3) How about those places that are now banning plastic bags in grocery stores. How horrible. Those plastic buggers which serve double duty as grocery carry home bags and garbage bags for all of my selfish refuse are being outlawed from coast to coast. Instead, they give us those cheap bags that are re-useable…and filthy. First of all, you can’t tell me they are not made with formaldehyde. Second, when that dripping chicken loaded with salmonella drips into the bottom of the formaldehyde bag and contaminates everything in it today, tomorrow and the next….well just remember we save the environment by nixing those plastic bags. I suppose we should just throw the raw garbage into the trash cans unbagged and unwrapped. The Waste Management dudes are going to love us.

4) Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was shown getting a TSA pat down at an airport security checkpoint. It was picked up by all the new networks to show that even “Rummy” is subject to personal violation by these TSA thugs. The networks thought it was funny. I didn’t. No matter how you slice or dice it, it was a waste of the taxpayers’ money to frisk the Donald Rumsfeld as is most of the other security checkpoint procedures against innocent Americans in order to keep from “profiling” the ones responsible for the terrorist threats.

5) Georgia has raised shutting down kids’ lemonade stands to an art form. The most recent affront to common sense was in Midway, Georgia, where the police taught kids trying to raise money to go to a water park the futility of capitalism under the thumb of an oppressive state. The police chief piously claimed they didn’t know what was in the lemonade, or who made it, and the kids needed a $50.00 vendor’s license. Shame on these people! Why aren’t the police out chasing real bad guys, like the ones who kidnap young women, or male children and chop them up.

And you want to know why America is broke!!! Take a look!!!


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