Git on the Bus / Git on the Bus
From time to time things happen that absolutely confound me. What is Obama doing in America’s heartland driving around in those black monstrosities that we paid for? What is he doing? He says he wants to talk to America about unemployment. What for? What doesn’t he know after 3 years in office? And by the way, who ordered those black multimillion dollar mass transit vehicles? If it was under Obama, we need to know. If it was under Bush, we need to know. Who else is going to ride in those things? They said “heads of state.” Well, that’s one way to keep the riff raff out of the country.
In all seriousness, let’s go through what the tour director of this bus travelogue has done. TARP 1, TARP 2; the trillion dollar stimulus; Obamacare; Quantitative Easing 1; Quantitative Easing 2; NO BUDGET FOR 800 DAYS, and when he produced one, it was so over the top with spending even his own party voted against it. Now he is touring the Midwest at our expense, and will be vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard with all those rich people he hates, and then, he says, he will produce a jobs plan in September. Is he serious?
Obama always reverts to what he does best…campaign. And he is doing it again. This time, it’s not playing so well. Even CNN says it is a campaign trip at the taxpayer expense. Mr. President, go back to Washington and give us, in writing and on paper, a deficit reduction/jobs stimulus plan. All the hands you shake in Iowa won’t produce one job. If you don’t know what needs to be to be done, maybe it’s time for you to leave. People are broke. Businesses are scared. White blue collar workers need jobs…the ones your party said we didn’t need more of. Teen unemployment is off the charts, and there are riots going unreported in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Detroit where minority unemployment for those under 25 is pushing 60%.
Does he see the poor from the bus? Does he see the homeless from the bus? Does he see the fear in seniors’ eyes from the bus? Does he feel your pain from the bus? Does he see the jobs moving to China from the bus?
Who in his administration, in an effort to denigrate Rick Perry, said that the jobs created in Texas are irrelevant because they are “oil drilling jobs” that don’t pay much. What? If Obama would get off those gas guzzling busses and take a look around, that is where the jobs are. Energy production doesn’t cost the government a dime. It creates tons of jobs. It actually creates revenue. It alleviates foreign policy issues. It lowers gas prices. And all you have to do, Mr. President, is to call off your EPA dogs. And you won’t do it because you hate oil, and your agenda is global warming and not the welfare of the United States.
Don’t get on the bus, Mr. President. Get off the bus, and try leading instead of talking, accusing, and campaigning.