Paul Ryan: Street Fighter

Paul Ryan was not my first choice for the Vice Presidential slot. That would be Chris Christie. But then again Mitt Romney was not my first choice for the Presidential nominee. That would be Chris Christie. I am from Youngstown which has often been called little Chicago. Those of us who live here had our lives forged in the steel mills of the mid 20th Century, and our politics are a solid by-product. We don’t play nice here. We are tough. We are aggressive. We are no holds barred.

With the debasing of Romney by Democratic propagandists…he is a robber-barron…he is a murderer…he is a felon…he hates gays…he hates women…I thought that the Republicans needed a street fighter to get down in the muck with these guys. Maybe I was wrong.

In a single stroke Mitt Romney has upped the ante. He has raised the stakes in this election, elevating it to the serious debate this country needs. Paul Ryan is nothing if not the smartest man in the room in Congress. With a young and attractive family, he brings gravitas to the campaign being called the father of reform conservatism. He has gone back to America’s most fundamental founding principle: our rights come from God and nature, not the government. America is not ready for the new normal…crushing debt, shrinking income and high unemployment. We can do better.

The pettiness and mean spiritedness of the Obama campaign is beyond anything we have seen in our history. From Sandra Fluke testifying as an “independent” party in front of Congress claiming she can’t afford ten bucks for birth control to Joe Soptic claiming Mitt Romney killed his wife by pulling her health care…a story so preposterous even the Washington Post denounced as an outright lie…Obama has demonstrated the ultimate leftist truth, the progressive agenda cannot stand on its own merits. It is only supported by lies.

Congressman Ryan has engaged Barack Obama one on one on health care and decimated Obama’s pronouncements in just 6 short minutes. There is no defending the indefensible. Democrats are now shouting with glee as they contemplate another television ad with Ryan throwing Granny over the cliff in a wheelchair. But this time it won’t ring true. Ryan is a principled man who tells the truth. And it will make Obama and his Chicago thug tactics show themselves for what they really are…deliberate efforts to deceive the American public who they perceive to be "uninformed."

Barack Obama showed his true colors rooted in his disdain for business when he said if you built a successful company “you didn’t build that…someone else did.” Now Romney and Ryan will show us their true colors. "Today is a good day in America. And tomorrow will be better." Sometimes the best street fighter is the truth.


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