Put Some Clothes On
The quality of life in America has declined for many reasons. Some are political. Some are economic. But first and foremost on the list is a complete lack of respect for other members of society. For the most part, Americans have reduced America to the least common denominator.
A case in point is an article I read about dress codes and airplane travel. Back in the day…and I lived back in the day…people got “dressed up” when traveling by plane. Today a battle rages as air carriers fight a losing battle to enforce some modicum of a dress code. Looking at other people’s butt cracks or underwear with droopy drawers is not my idea of a pleasant flight. The same goes with too short shorts, too much cleavage, people who haven’t bathed or aren’t wearing underwear so that you can see Poughkeepsie or Poughkeepsette. Breast feeding can be added to the list. Yes, it is perfectly natural, but so are many other things and we don’t allow that.
The children of the sixties have done a bang up job of teaching their children and grandchildren that life is about doing what you feel, and to hell with everything else. How one clothes oneself was on a slow decline up until ten years ago when it fell off a cliff. I don’t care how hot it is. For God sakes cover up your body. No…it is not attractive. To quote Olympia Dukakis in Steel Magnolias, the only difference between us and the animals is our ability to accessorize. When my wife puts on a pair of slacks and blouse and some makeup, there is always some jerk in old jeans and a beat up shirt asking why she is dressed up. She is too polite to ask that individual if he/she looked in a mirror before they left the house.
Lack of respect for each other has spilled into other parts of our lives. Put the cell phone down. Leave the kids at home with the babysitter when going out. Don’t let your kids run wild while sitting at a bar. Common courtesies like saying thank you when someone opens a door for you are still appreciated. Don’t talk during movies. Don’t give the finger to the person in the car next to you. Don’t cut in line.
We were in Cleveland last weekend going to Corky and Lenny’s for a Reuben. Walking across the parking lot was a really overweight 18 something with a top that barely covered her bosom let alone the layers of fat spilling out over a pair of pants that didn’t come close to fitting let alone covering her butt crack. Her hair was dyed pink and black and she had piercings where piercings oughtn’t be, tattoos across her lower back and upper arms. She was talking on her cell phone loudly m-f’ing the person to whom she was speaking claiming that Allison “ain’t got no class.” Really?
Cars were dodging her as she walked down the very crowded parking lot oblivious to everyone and everything around her. Here is a lesson of life. Class may have something to do with money and income. But for the most part, true class is based in behavior rather than money. I know plenty of people with money in the no class category….and I mean that in every sense of the word.
On the other hand, I know people who are the epitome of class without any financial strength whatsoever. They look good when they go out. They show respect for each other. They aren’t foul mouthed (Mark…learn a lesson). They are polite. They listen when you talk. Help out when they can. They work hard and take care of their children, even in the most difficult of circumstances. That’s true class.
Next time you fly, show a little class. Put some clothes on, and leave the t-shirt at home with the obscenity written across the front. You’ll be surprised how you are treated by others…and you may actually like it. I know I will.