What the Press Isn't Telling You...and It's Scary Stuff

As we go through the 2012 election cycle, the behavior of the press has been disturbing. What we are seeing is the death of journalism and an even stronger alliance among those in the media and the Progressive political movement in the United States. There is continual questionable journalism surrounding hard news stories in an effort to shelter the media's candidate, Barack Obama, from any political fallout. It’s tough for Americans to make decisions about who best to deal with serious issues if the media simply refuses to report what those issues are. Here is what the media is not reporting.

On the economic front, which is the least of our worries notwithstanding how bad things are, durable goods orders are down 13.2%, the lowest January, 2009, and previous months’ figures are being revised downward. The economy in China is slowing down. And more importantly, the turmoil in Europe, the largest economy in the world when taken collectively, is pushing it into deep, deep recession. Not only is there tensions between countries, but the economic hard times are causing intra country violence as factions within various countries turn against each other. Riots in Greece and Spain are continuing. The likelihood of the Euro collapsing is increasing and we will feel it big time in the United States.

Inflation is beginning to rear its ugly head. It’s always interesting to see how government officials play figures off each other to say whether there is or isn’t inflation. All you have to do is go to the grocery store to figure it out. All that money printed by the Federal Reserve will have to land somewhere. Right now it is in the stock market which is why it is doing so well while the rest of the country is in the dumper. It has also landed in corporate bank accounts, and in the capital columns of banks who aren’t lending it out because of increased and yet unknown pending government regulations. Sooner or later all of that cash will come flooding into the economy and prices on everything will skyrocket. Interest rates will soar as the Fed tries to reign the non-existent inflation in; think Carter years.

All of that pales in comparison to the big problem in the Mideast. The press is doing everything it can to protect Barack Obama from his absolute foreign policy failure in the most dangerous part of the world. Even CNN couldn’t hide the lies Obama told the public about the nature of the consulate invasion in Libya. While Obama was doing the View and the Pimp with a Gimp radio show, our Ambassador was being dragged through the streets, tortured, sodomized then killed. Next Obama goes in front of the United Nations and blames a ½ baked video on what was clearly a terrorist 9/11 attack on an unguarded embassy and consulate in a Muslim country that they knew was coming. While the Egyptians are rioting in the streets and Israel is standing alone, the press minimized the story to protect Obama.  But the truth couldn't be denied forever, and it finally is beginning to emerge.

(Update:  Today a string of car bombs has gone off in Iraq killing numerous people.  Christian churches are being attacked in Egypt causing Christians to leave their homes.  And the American death toll in Afghanistan is now 2000.  I don't believe any of this it the news today.)

Here is the situation. We are closer now to World War III than we have been since 1945. The Mideast is a tinder box. Russia and China are protecting Iran and North Korea. Iran is close to a nuclear weapon. North Korea and Pakistan have them. Listen to what these people are saying. Their intent is to use these weapons, and they will if they sense a scintilla of weakness within our government. Right now there is nothing but weakness.  Obama is so far in over his head it is beyond funny.

I firmly believe the existence of Israel as a nation is in jeopardy....and under the Obama administration, our country will do nothing but complain.  I also firmly believe that the chance of a nuclear bomb going off in a major United States city sometime in the next 10 years is almost a given unless something is done NOW to stop the bad guys. While the left is focused on gay rights, abortion, contraception…all of which are faux issues when you get down to it…the bad guys are getting stronger and circling the wagons. This is scary stuff, and you should be concerned.

The press has done a disservice to the public by protecting a President who has no concept of what is going on in the world outside of his academic ivory tower.  As he prints Obama money and gives away Obama phones…and tries to make nice to the people who want to kill us and destroy our society…the press is worried about who pays for birth control pills. Give me a break. 

America wake up!!!


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