Christmas Card 2012 - A Gift for Yourself

This has been a difficult year. It has been filled with friends and family passing expectedly or unexpectedly. There has been family turmoil rising up when we weren't paying attention. People have been on edge. Everybody seems to be angry. Then there was that shooting thing in Connecticut just days before Christmas taking the lives of 28 people, twenty of whom were innocents. As horrific as the Newtown massacre was, it pales in comparison to the violence on the streets of Chicago and Detroit. The country is in financial turmoil and there is no leadership at the top. Meanwhile, the atheist groups continue their campaign to take Christ out of Christmas. Consider the NBC commentator who said she found the religious part of the Christmas holiday irritating. Really?
Decorations in stores have been skimpy, and I am being generous. Somebody forgot to tell Southern Park Mall that it was Christmas. A few strings of lights that have been shrinking over the years hung from the ceiling and Santa moved from the center of the mall down towards Sears. It is pitiful. Even the stores didn't stock up. Home Depot may have had a few ho-ho signs up...but the stock of trees and lights...well....they should be embarrassed. To put the cherry on the cake....McDonald's is urging its franchisees to stay open on Christmas Day. "There's lots of money to be made!" said its COO.
So where do I find Christmas this year? I thought about it and decided this year I have to look to find it in myself. I know it sounds trite, but peace from within is something hard to least it has been for me. I watched one of my favorite movies the other night: The Birdcage. Robin Williams plays a gay nightclub owner whose son is marrying a right wing Senator's daughter. The parents of the prospective bride don't know about Dad's sexual orientation, and the son asks his father to tone down his "gayness" when the future in-laws pay him a visit. The father responded "Yes, I wear foundation. Yes, I live with a man. Yes, I'm a middle- aged fag. But I know who I am. It took me twenty years to get here, and I'm not gonna let some idiot destroy that"
No, I am not a fag and no, I don't live with man. I have a skin condition and sometimes use foundation...that's another story. On the other hand my outlook and interests are different from the norm for many reasons. That has caused me a great deal of difficulty over the years. This year in particular has been the proverbial three ring circus with people coming at me from all directions; some of it good; lots of it bad. But I survived, and I am the stronger for it.
This year I have achieved many personal goals, some of which I have worked a lifetime for. None of them have to do with money. All of them have to do with personal growth and achievement. For those of you who, like me, believe God actively works in your life and you follow where he directs you, you will understand. Whether you are Christian or Jew or Moslem or Hindu or atheist...look inward for Jesus or Jehovah or Allah or your personal life force, touch your spiritual side and see how you measure up.
I once had a minister who told our congregation to look to your right and your left and behind you and in front of you, and see if there is anyone around you with whom you would want to trade places. Not one person said they would change who they are.
So...this Christmas, let God give a gift to you. Let Him pamper you. You have earned it. The world might be going to hell all around you, but be like Robin Williams....I know who I am. It's taken me twenty years to get here. And no idiot is going to take that from me.
Merry Christmas
Have a blessed and Holy, peaceful Christmas. Shalom. Monica and JOn Wertzler