The Obama Coincidence

Barack Obama’s impassioned speech to Ohio State University graduates marked the high water point of his administration.  He implored the students to ignore those who would have them believe that government is evil and can’t be trusted.  He said that government was us and having faith in us is the same as having faith in government.  Anyone who knows human nature and history understands the fallacy of that argument.  Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  People are people.  One is never surprised by people’s benevolence and goodness.  One is never surprised by the evil that men do. 

As he walked out of Ohio Stadium, one wonders whether that was his swan song…whether he knew about the scandals about to break and was making a last impassioned argument extolling his love of government.

The fall of Obama’s credibility has been swift and dramatic.  Any scandal or two can be explained away.  But when a steady stream of all that was hidden spills out one after another after another…that’s a different story.  One can only conclude he was either devious or incompetent.  I'm not sure which is worse.

It’s going to take awhile for the nation to wake from its media spawned Obama stupor to realize that he made a sneak attack on the Constitution.  Here was a man who spent his whole academic career figuring out ways to get around the Constitution rather than uphold it.  He believes it is a flawed document written by a bunch of old rich white guys and is irrelevant today.  The press, mesmerized by his oratory, lapped it up like a kitten.  They actively carried the message that the Constitution is a hinderance rather than a blessing.  A benevolent president will make everything all better...

…until his assault on reporters and their sources.  The Associated Press scandal could not be explained away.  James Rosen being called a co-conspirator in a three time attempt to subpoena his phone records could not be explained away.  The press might not care about my rights or your rights, but they sure care about their rights.

Now the NSA information grab of every electronic transaction you make from phone calls to emails to web searches…to be stored in a mammoth facility in Utah…has finally brought to the forefront of American discourse how much government is enough, and what about that Constitution thing?

I have been appalled by the apologists from both sides of the political spectrum that think what the NSA is doing is alright.  If this is so necessary to capture terrorists, what about the Boston bombers?  The Russians told the intelligence agencies to look at these guys twice.  Their intent was posted on You Tube for all to see.  They were traveling back and forth to Chechnya.  All the intelligence community had to do was look at was publicly available…and they didn’t.

That raises the most disturbing question of all!  If they didn't use that mass of accumlated information to stop twice warned terrorists, what are they using it for?

Barack Obama doesn’t believe that radical Islam is a threat.  He believes that the assault on America will come from right wing militias rooted in the Tea Party.  Conservatives are the enemy.  Every fiber of his administration is pointed in that direction, be it the IRS targeting right wing 501-C-4 organizations, be it disclosing and auditing donors to Mitt Romney’s campaign, be it Homeland Security buying up 20 years worth of bullets and armored tanks, be it Janet Napolitano overtly stating the threat to America comes from the right….translate…those people Obama perceives to be his political enemies. 

He is an absolute reflection of the totalitarian progressive politics taught in the universities that shaped him.  He is the norm of correct political thought as pushed by just about every professor teaching today.  Universities, with hate speech rules and zero tolerance policies and no due process for those deemed politically incorrect, teach what Barack Obama is.  These guys won't allow conservative speakers on campus let alone a conservative tenured professor.  Free speech belongs to the Progressives...and only the Progressives.  

There are no coincidences in life.  A massive government needs access to what its citizenry is doing.  First collect the data then figure out how to use it.  Secret courts issuing questionable subpoenas to give it the aura of legality is the stuff of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.  It will only be used in matters of national security we are told.  ANYTHING can be defined in terms of national security.  That’s the problem.

My definition of national security is stopping another 9/11.  Obama’s definition of national security is finding out where the guns are and who opposes his wisdom. 

This is scary stuff.  What’s even scarier are the sycophants who are still buying his political deceptions.  Barack Obama is not your father’s Democrat.  He is something else.  He wants to fundamentally change America.  He is doing it...into a monitored police state where the press is chilled into silence and the tools of government are used to enforce his ideology.  He is even building up a separate national police force under the guise of Homeland Security.  All of this hasn’t happened by coincidence.

If you can come to any other conclusion, let me know. 1984 might not be here yet…but it is damn close.  You should be having nightmares.  You are being watched.  Really.


Anonymous said…
Deviously Incompetent! Not either or. MGK

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