Yelling at the Television

Do you yell at the television? I do. I pour myself a VO. Get me some Cheesies. Sit in my chair and turn on the news…and we’re off. It could be five in the morning or three in the afternoon or ten at night. America has been through a lot. So I yell at the television. Like the man said: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” We live in historic times. The Obama presidency has been a disaster. How many lives does this man have to destroy? From healthcare to foreign policy to tax policy to race relations, Barack Obama has made a shambles out of this country…and the press is just now beginning to wake up. Unfortunately, what you see on television is just the tip of the iceberg. His dysfunction is our dysfunction as America has lost her way. Pull up the Drudge report and look at the headlines; drunk driving checkpoints run by Federal contractors stopping cars and demanding DNA swabs and blood samples; schools claiming they don’t have ten seconds to say...