Yelling at the Television

We live in historic times. The Obama presidency has been a disaster. How many lives does this man have to destroy? From healthcare to foreign policy to tax policy to race relations, Barack Obama has made a shambles out of this country…and the press is just now beginning to wake up.
Unfortunately, what you see on television is just the tip of the iceberg.
His dysfunction is our dysfunction as America has lost her way. Pull up the Drudge report and look at the headlines; drunk driving checkpoints run by Federal contractors stopping cars and demanding DNA swabs and blood samples; schools claiming they don’t have ten seconds to say the Pledge of Allegiance; black on black violence rampant on the streets; teachers claiming that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is racist; and two plus two can equal six…and that’s okay in modern education. We are living in the theater of the absurd.
National debt is at record levels all the while tax revenue is at a record high. The Federal Reserve printing money to beat the band, and oh yes, there is no inflation! Fudged unemployment numbers to win an election! IRS political persecution! Gun running to Mexico! Ambassadors left to die in undefended consulates! Troops in Afghanistan with no defined purpose and restrictive rules of engagement! People being thrown off their health plans unable to sign up for new ones at reasonable prices! And all the while, our every move is watched and monitored by umpteen government agencies and private internet companies. Big Brother is here.
This is Barack Obama’s America. It is an America without purpose or values. It is an America that is everyman for himself. It is an America where jobs and hope are scarce and a permanent underclass has been enlarged with no way to escape. Families are destroyed. Hard work and education despised. Success punished. These are troubled times.
So I have taken to my computer to write about what I know to be true. It helps alleviate my frustration. And I truly hope that I can teach folks some things both new and forgotten. Perhaps bring a common sense perspective to the chaos that is surrounding us.
Modern America, Obama’s America, is a tough nut to crack. The American spirit is subdued but not dead. Dr. Ben Carson, that wonderful and inspirational African American neurosurgeon, summed it when he said “America. Don’t be afraid.” Our spirit will survive the challenges we face, and we will prevail. We need faith…in our country, in each other, and in God. Our best days are ahead.
Then, maybe, I won’t yell at the television so much.