Mean People

Have you noticed that people as of late have become mean? This is more than usual testiness. This is mean stuff. What makes it even more disturbing is folks seem to be enjoying it. I belong to a lot of organizations, and I can personally tell you it’s a jungle out there. What is even more disturbing is folks are overtly telling you how mean they are. I can’t believe some of the stuff I have heard over the past few months. I am a lawyer, and it is mean people that fuels our business. That being said mean people, at least in my experience, have always been the exception rather than the rule. I am not so sure anymore. Whether it is in an organization or a church or a club or in the office or driving a car or going to the theater, there seems to be anger just below the surface that is bubbling up more and more. People are always going to disagree. This is more than being disagreeable. This is nasty business where there is shouting and pounding and deliberate deception and delibe...